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16733 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nuguria EO.MAUII Mauii Left (side, hand)
Nuguria PN.MAUNU Maunu Bait
Nuguria OC.MISI.B Mihi Make a clicking sound with one's tongue to attract attention and/or show disgust
Nuguria AN.MASI.1 M/mahi Sour, fermented, bad (of food)
Nuguria MP.MAGO M/mano Fade, wither (of leaves)
Nuguria PN.MAMAQO Mmao Far (away), distant
Nuguria NP.MALA.5 M/mara Bitter (natu fruits, banana, sea water), salty (taste, not smell)
Nuguria MP.MALU.A M(a)/maru Get dark
Nuguria CP.MA-MATA Mmata Look (at), look around
Nuguria PN.MOHE-GA Moena A kind of mat (pandanus) used on floor and to cover dead people
Nuguria PN.MAQUGA Mouna Mountain, hill (known from other islands); name of an elevated place on the main island...believed to have appeared first from the ocean in creation stories
Nuguria NP.MUKA.1B Muka/muka Immature coconut (soft shell, has milk but is not tasty)
Nuguria NP.GUU.2 Muu/kauhoe Small squid
Nuguria FJ.GASAU Nahau Arrow (made of coconut trunk)
Nuguria AN.QANUFE Nnohe Small insects which eat leaves Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria PN.OO.1 Oo A kind of small fish used as bait
Nuguria PN.OO.3 Oo mai Come (from) (plural)
Nuguria OC.PAE.1A Pae Fish trap made of stones; sea garden (of giant clams); sea wall (to prevent the sea from coming)
West Uvea SO.MAQAA Maa Beau-frère
Emae PN.MA-FOA.B Mafoa Etoile du matin
West Uvea PN.MA-MATE.2 Maamate Cimetière Problematic
West Uvea PN.MATA.1E Mata (gi) Faire face (à)
West Uvea PN.MATAQU.1 Maatau Pêche au large, à la ligne, sans canne
West Uvea SO.MA-FULE Mafule Ampoule crevée (laissant la peau à vif)
West Uvea OC.MAKO.3 Mako Plante: (Elattostachys apetala) (Sapindacées)
West Uvea AN.MAKUPUNA Makupuna Petit-enfant (fils/fille)
West Uvea OC.MATUQU.A Manaatuu (jeunes: manahatuu) A terre; terre ferme Problematic
West Uvea PN.MANIA.1 Ma/ni/nia Ongle, griffe Uncertain Semantic Connection
East Uvea FJ.MAGITI Magisi Vivres, aliment, nourriture
West Uvea EO.SAQU.2 Ma/sau Se relever
West Uvea EO.MATA.1C I mata o Devant, avant
West Uvea FJ.QUTU.2 Mataa/utu Cap, pointe [Muli Dialect]
West Uvea MP.MATA-QI-HUHU Mataauu (WUM), matauu (WUH) Mamelon, tétin
West Uvea XO.MATA-A-WAKA Mataavaka Pointe du bateau [Muli Dialect]
West Uvea XO.MATA-A-WAKA Matavaka Proue [Heo Dialect]
Nuguria PN.PAKUU.A Pakuu Noise, sound; bang something to make noise; hit, strike against; land ashore (a boat)
Nuguria PN.PAGOGO Panono A kind of mangrove fish
Nuguria PN.PALA.1B Para (pl. ppara) Wet, get wet; rotten, rot (humans, animals)
Nuguria PN.PENA.1B Pena Make, form, build (house); continue
Nuguria MP.POLA.1 Pora Plaited coconut leaves; mats made of them (used to cover canoes)
Nuguria MP.PONO.1 P/pono Put (inside), fit something into a hole; close (a coconut shell container with a lid); stopper (for coconut shell containers, made of pandanus leaves)
Nuguria SO.POLE.B P/pore Tremble, shiver (small movements); be (very) scared
Takuu XO.TAMAKI.2 Puupuu taamaki Overeat, gorge oneself; feel bloated
Nuguria MP.PULU.1A Puru Dried coconut husk, used to light fire and as toilet paper; broom made of coconut husk for cleaning canoes
Nuguria OC.PUU.1 Puu Shellfish sp. (inedible); trumpet (made of puu roa shell); containers to scoop water
Nuguria AN.RAMA Rama (e hao) Torch (used to fish in night)
Nuguria PN.LAULAU Raurau Small basket used to serve food (woven of coconut leaves)
West Uvea AN.QOTI.A Odi Conjonction marquant la succession des propositions: et puis, ensuite
Nuguria PN.LEI.1 Rei Necklace made of whale tooth
Nuguria FJ.LEU Reu (pl. rreu) Ripe, mature (of fruits); ripen, get ripe