Manihiki-Rakahanga entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
FJ.MOKO.1A Moko Lizard (Krk)
NP.NAU.1 Nau/nau A shrub. Leaves used in washing clothes to produce a lather (Sve)
OC.NONU Nenu Morinda citrifolia Phonologically Irregular (Whr)
PN.PALA-PALA Parapara Dirt; scraps of food (Sve)
TA.PAA-RAKU Paraku To scratch (Krk)
PN.PALA.1B Para Rotten (of vegetables, fruit); ripe (Bck)
PN.TAATELA. Papera Shark sp Phonologically Irregular (Bck)
PN.PAPA.1B Papa Rock; lower stratum; floor. The raised wall of dead coral (round coral islands) (Sve). (Bck)
TA.PA-ANU Panu To float (Psn)
PN.PAKIA.1 Pakia To cut, to draw blood. (Sve)
TA.PAKARI Pakari Strengthened. Be old (Osn). (Bck)
PN.PAKEE Pakee Sound, noise (Krk)
MP.PAKA.1A Paka/paka Be burned (Krk)
EO.PAASUA Pahua Clam (Tridacna) (Krk)
CE.PASU.1B Pahu Drum (Krk)
PN.PA-SEKE Paheke Smooth (Psn)
EP.PASII Pahii Voyaging canoe (Bck)
TA.PAA-FATA Paahata Platform, loft (of house). A staging (Sve). (Krk)
PN.PAE-PAE Paepae House platform (introduced from Rarotonga) (Bck)
CE.PEEHAU Paehau Wing Phonologically Irregular (Krk)
PN.PAQE Pae To float (Krk)
AN.QOTI.A Oti Finished (Krk)
OC.PAA.3A Pa Shank of bonito hook (Bck)
MP.QOLOGAA Oronga Something from which fibre is made (Bck)
FJ.OLO.3 Oro To grate takataka coconuts for oil; cooked grated outer parts of puraka (Bck)
EO.QOTA.2 Ota Coconut flesh after cream has been extracted (Bck)
CE.FAI.7 Whai Follow. Pursue, court, woo (Sve). (Bck)
PN.PALU.1 Paru Fish sp., Ruvettus (Bck)
CE.PAA-SERE.2 Pahere Comb (Sve)
CE.PAU.1E Pau/roa All (Krk)
NP.PAU.1C Pau Past, finished (Krk)
CK.PIIGOFI Pingohi Tongs (Bck)
NP.PILI.1B Piri Close together; closed leaflet (in plaiting) (Bck)
NP.PILI.1B Haka/piri Come close (Krk)
NP.PILI.1B E/piri Near (Tnr)
PN.PILO Pi/piro Unpleasant smell (slightly rotten) (Bck)
EP.PI-PIRI Pipiri Name of a month in the traditional calendar (May-June) (Bck)
EP.PI-PIRI Pipiri A season of the year (Grn. 1985) (???)
PN.PUKA-TEA Pukatea A large softwood tree (Pisonia grandis) (Bck)
TA.PUURAU Purau Lemon Hibiscus Problematic (Sve)
CE.PUUORO Puoro To grate coconut to obtain oil (Bck)
PN.PUSA.1 Puiha Wooden box (said to have been imported) (Bck)
NP.SAKALI Hakari Coconut when flesh is maximally thick (Bck)
AN.LALO.A Raro Below (Krk)
NP.SIKA.3 Hika Female genitals; female child (Bck)
PN.SOLO.3 Horo Run, fled, ran, went (Sve)
AN.SUU.1 Maa/huu Wet (Krk)
PN.LASI Rahi Big (Bck)
CE.PUTA.1B Puta Appear, come out (Krk)
OC.LAQAA Raa Sun; day (not night) (Krk)

1161 entries found