Marquesas entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.TUPE.1 Bu túpe A large species of the porcelain shell Uncertain Semantic Connection (Crk)
MP.REGA Áika, áina Ginger (Crk)
PN.TALA.1 E/ta Fin (Rbs)
OC.TALAI Tà-í (NKH), tàki To work with an adze or ax (Crk)
PN.TALA-TALA.A Ta, tah Rough (Rbs)
NP.LEMO.2 Da aim hu To plaister a wall (Rbs)
NP.LEMO.2 Ta/émo, pa/emo Enduire avec du mortier de terre. Enduire de terre grasse, luter (Dln)
CE.TARI-NIHO Tiea, Ne shou Gum (Rbs)
CE.TARI-NIHO Taí niho Gencive (F-M) (Dln)
EO.TAFA.1A Táhhá A place; to go or walk (Crk)
PN.TA-FAGA.A Ta ha ca ha ca Light (Rbs)
MQ.TO-TASI Totahi Davantage, encore un peu, un peu plus, bis (Dln)
MQ.TO-TASI Totáhhi Once more, again (Crk)
MQ.TAFU.C Ca, ta’hu ackhu A cook (Rbs)
OC.PANI.1 Ta/pí To dress or deck with ornaments; to anoint or daub; to stick on Phonologically Irregular (Crk)
AN.PAKI.1 Tha puck ie che Ah, what a pity (Rbs)
EP.PAPA.1C Ta, pauʔper To arrange, place (Rbs)
CE.TAPI.1C Ti/tapi, ta/tapi Vider, ôter, sortir, jeter l'eau d'une embarcation (en mer) (Dln)
OC.TAPU E, Ta boo Law (Rbs)
OC.TAPU Tábbu A restriction; restricted or rendered sacred; to restrict (Crk)
NP.TAA.1E Tá/tta To wash or bleach the island cloth (Crk)
OC.TAFA.2 Tà/táhhá To extract splinters of bone out of the flesh; an instrument made with the sharks tooth for the purpose (Crk)
MQ.TAAU-GA.A Tóuna A couple (THT). (Crk)
EP.KORE Ti/koe, ti/óe Mensonge, faux; tromper Problematic (Dln)
EP.KORE Tee, koʔe A lie (Rbs)
NP.TINA-QI Tení To extinguish (a light) (Crk)
OC.TINO.A Teen u Body (Rbs)
MP.TIO.2 Téyo A small kind of oyster (Crk)
MP.TIRO Teóhhe To see, look, watch (Crk)
FJ.TIPI.2 Tee pee, tee pee Hip (Rbs)
FJ.TIPI.2 Teʔpee, coke Lame (Rbs)
NP.TII-PUTA Tee, pu ta, toto Blood letting (Rbs)
CE.TII-TAFA Tee tach ah To walk, stir about (Rbs)
CE.TAPI.1C De/díppe tà eiyu Bail out the water out of the canoe (Crk)
NP.TOTI.1 Teté To hop Phonologically Irregular (Crk)
NP.TOTI.1 Titi Lancer des pierres en ricochet Problematic (Dln)
CE.TII-TII Titi Espèce d'oiseau (Dln)
PN.TILI.1A Tetté To throw away, cast off, reject (Crk)
CE.MOO-TORO.* E toó í te vehine Debitum conjugalem petere (Dln)
CE.TOLO.4 Toó Petit filet au bout d'une perche (Dln)
CE.TOLO.4 Ea, toe, e mah A hand net on a hoop (Rbs)
EP.TAFUQA To hu, e mah Palm (Rbs)
PN.TAFUTI Tàhóute, tahute/húte To run (Crk)
??.TOKE.3 Toke Tresse de cheveux pour les reins (Dln)
MP.TOKA.2A Toka, toá Lieu de pêche où se tient généralement le poisson; banc de poisson (Dln)
OC.TAQO.3A Tó/me To cover with earth, to bury (Crk)
PN.TOMO Tómo To sink, to go down the throat (Crk)
EP.TOPA Tópa To fall from above; to let fall; to miss somethng lost; to let slip from the memory (Crk)
EP.TOPA O ma tee, wo topas Sun set (Rbs)
EC.TOE.2 Totoe/buakka Grass sp. similar to twitch grass (Crk)

4046 entries found