Tahitian entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
PN.KOO.2C | O/o | To sound, as water near boiling; flatulency, or griping of the bowels | (Lmt) |
PN.KOO.1 | I ʔoo | Ici, là | (Lmt) |
CE.KOO-FAGA.* | Ofaa | Thicket, impenetrable brushwood; to nestle, or lie close in a nest, as a bird | (Dvs) |
NP.KOA.2 | ʔOa/ʔoa | Joie, allégresse; joyeux; être joyeux, se réjouir | (Lmt) |
CE.KOATA | ʔOata | Mamelon (du sein); "oeil" principal d'un coco,qui laisse passage au germe; goulot d'une bouteille | (Lmt) |
CE.KOATA | Oata | The monkey's eyes on a cocoanut; the mouth or neck of a gourd; also the meshes of a fishing net | (Dvs) |
AN.KOE | ʔOe | Pronom personnel, deuxième personne du singulier, tu, toi | (Lmt) |
CE.KOO-FAGA.* | ʔOofaʔa | Pondre (oiseaux, lézards), nicher | (Lmt) |
CE.KOO-FAGA.* | ʔOofaʔa/raʔa manu | Bird’s nest | (Lmt) |
CE.KOOFAI | Ofai | (Sesbania grandiflora) ; (Agati tomentosa) | (Hry) |
CK.KOO-FATU.* | ʔOofaʔi | Pierre Phonologically Irregular | (Lmt) |
FJ.KOFE.A | ʔOfe, ʔohe | Bambou (Bambusa arundinacea, Schizostachyum glaucifolium) | (Lmt) |
CE.KOFE-KOFE | ʔOheʔohe | A grass (Centotheca lappacea) ; like miniature bamboo. Plante (Centothea lappacea) (Lmt). | (Hry) |
CE.KOFE-KOFE | ʔOfeʔofe | (Centotheca lappacea L.) | (Hpr) |
CE.KOFE-KOFE | Oheohe | Bare of branches | (Lmt) |
NP.KOFI | ʔOhi | Ramasser de-ci de-là, glaner, parfois: cueillir | (Lmt) |
CE.KOO-FITI.1 | ʔOohiti | Pincer, cueillir (en pinçant entre deux doigts) | (Lmt) |
CE.KOO-FITI.2 | ʔOhiti | Crabe de petite taille qui vit dans le sable des plages | (Lmt) |
CE.KOO-FORE | Ohore/hore | Bare, as the eyebrows without hair, or a thing skinned | (Dvs) |
OC.KOFU.1A | Ohu | A bundle of some food tied up, and baked in the native oven | (Dvs) |
OC.KOFU.2 | ʔOhu | Tourbillonner; être entouré | (Lmt) |
OC.KOFU.2 | Ohu | A cloud settled on top of the mountains | (Dvs) |
CE.KOO-FURE | Ohure | The anus Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Dvs) |
CE.KOO-FURE | ʔOohure | Derrière, postérieur (anatomie, hommes et animaux) Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Lmt) |
OC.KOHO | O | A spade, a stick used by the Tahitians to dig with | (Dvs) |
OC.KOHO | ʔOo | Pieu pour enlever la bourre des cocos; enlever la bourre des cocos; creuser la terre verticalement, faire des trous dans la terre, bêcher | (Lmt) |
CE.KOI.2*. | ʔOi | Aiguisé, coupant | (Lmt) |
OC.KOI.3 | ʔOi | Pendant que, tant que; presque | (Lmt) |
CE.KOI.4 | ʔOi | De peur que | (Lmt) |
CE.KOI.5 | ʔOi/ʔoi | Rapide, agile, rapidement; tôt, vite | (Lmt) |
EP.KOQILO | ʔOiro | Congre, famille des Congridae [Conger cinereus (Ruppell)] | (Lmt) |
CE.KOKE | ʔOʔe | Epée, baionnette | (Lmt) |
EP.KOKI | ʔOʔi | Foulure, entorse; se faire une entorse | (Lmt) |
EP.KOO-KILI | ʔOʔiri | Balistidae. | (Rdl) |
EP.KOO-KILI | ʔOoʔiri | Baliste, nom général des poissons de la famille des Balistidae... | (Lmt) |
CE.KOO-KIRI | Oiri | A black spot in the heavens near the Crossiers; to be in fear or alarm because of approaching danger Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Dvs) |
OC.KOKOO | Oo | To cluck, as a hen; make noise, as a lizard | (Dvs) |
EC.KOOKOO.1 | ʔOoʔoo/vea | Coucou migrateus (Eurodynamis taitensis) | (Lmt) |
CE.KOOKOO.2B | ʔOoʔoo | Grand trou dans la terre | (Lmt) |
CE.KOOKOO.2B | Oo | A large hole; the hollow between two waves | (Lmt) |
CE.KOOKOO.2B | Ta/oo | A chasm or crack in the earth or rock Problematic | (Lmt) |
PN.KOKOLO | ʔOʔoro | Ronfler en dormant, gargouiller (ventre), bouillonner (eau) | (Lmt) |
EP.KOKOMA | Ooma | The human heart | (Dvs) |
CE.KOOKOPU | ʔOʔopu | Generic term for gobies. Petits poissons de rivière de la famille des Gobidae (Lmt) | (Rdl) |
EP.KOO-KURU. | Ouru | The name of a small tree that growds on the low islands | (Dvs) |
EP.KORE | ʔOre | Etre supprimé, ne plus exister; négation après les les statifs (verbes d'état); verbe au sens négatif | (Lmt) |
EP.KORE-KORE | Oreore | The name of three different nights of the Tahitian moon, viz.; first oreore, middle oreore, and last oreore. Nights 6-8 of lunar cycle (Aud). | (Dvs) |
NP.KOO-LELO | Orero | Language, speech, oration; to speak, to address, make an oration; an orator or public speaker | (Dvs) |
NP.KOO-LELO | ʔOorero | Faire un discours | (Lmt) |
PN.KOLI.1B | ʔOri | Danse, danser | (Lmt) |
2772 entries found