West Futuna entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
OC.A | A | Personal article | (Dty) |
MP.AFAA | Afa | Gale, storm winds, hurricane winds | (Dty) |
MP.AFE.1A | Afe | To return | (Dty) |
PN.QAA-FEA | Afea, afia, aia | When (future interrogative) | (Dty) |
AN.AFI | Afi | Fire | (Dty) |
AN.AFIAFI | Afiafi | Evening | (Dty) |
OC.QAFI-GA | Afiga | Armpit | (Dty) |
EO.QAFU.2 | Afu/a | Prepare ground for a garden | (Dty) |
AN.QAHO | Ao | Day, daylight; ; to dawn, to be light; to allow light to pass through... | (Dty) |
NP.QAO-ATEA | T/aotea | Noon, afternoon | (Dty) |
OC.QAHU.1 | Au | Spleen [Aniwa Dialect] | (Dty) |
AN.QAHU.2 | Au | Smoke; smoky | (Dty) |
NP.QAA-I-LAA-NEI | (I)ranei | Today | (Dty) |
OC.TUPUNA | Tupuna | Grandparent, ancestor | (Cpl) |
MP.QATULE | Ture (ANI) | Fish sp. (herring?) | (Cpl) |
AN.TULU.1 | Tu/turu | To trickle | (Cpl) |
AN.TULI.1 | Tu/turi (ANI) | Deaf | (Cpl) |
CP.TUTU.4 | Tutu | Fishing for flying fish (at night, with torch).... | (Dty) |
PN.TULI.3 | Tur/ogina (ANI) | To drive away, get rid of | (Cpl) |
PN.TULI.3 | Turi/turi | To press upon; harass | (Cpl) |
PN.KALISI.1B | Kirisi | Cricket, cicada. Cigale de l'heure du kava (Rve). | (Dty) |
MP.AKO | Ako-na | Try, learn, essay, attempt. | (Dty) |
FJ.QULAFI | (U)rafi | Fish sp. | (Cpl) |
FJ.QARA | Ara | Be awake, open the eyes | (Dty) |
NP.ALAFI | Arafi/a | Bring, lead someone; marry (a wife) | (Dty) |
MP.TULU.2 | Turi (fare) | A corner (of house) | (Cpl) |
NP.ALAALA | Ara uru | A fish Phonologically Irregular | (Dty) |
PN.ALA-TI | Arajia (WFU), araSia (ANI) | Scratch, engrave; claw (n,v) | (Dty) |
PN.QALELO | Rero | Tongue | (Dty) |
XO.ALETUU | Aratu | Tomorrow | (Dty) |
OC.ALI.1 | Ari | Flounder | (Dty) |
PN.QALI.1A | Ari | Open, clear; become known | (Dty) |
PN.QARIKI | Ariki | Chief, ruler; god, spirits; to rule | (Dty) |
PN.QARIKI | Te/riki, tS/eriki (ANI) | Chief. A high chief (Cpl). | (Dty) |
EO.QALO.3 | Aro/fia mai | Paddle forward a little | (Dty) |
PN.QARO.B | Aro | Inside of a thing | (Cpl) |
AN.QARO.A | Aro | Chest; forward or front side of something. Versant (Rve). | (Dty) |
MP.QAROFA.A | Arofa (WFU), alofa (ANI) | Sorrow, pity, compassion, love; present, gift; gesture of kindness or sympathy; paint for rubbing on persons so that their enemies may not kill them | (Dty) |
PN.QALO-POQOU | Rapou | Woman pregnant for first time and near birth | (Dty) |
AN.AMO.1A | Amo/sia | Wipe, rub; massage. Passer la main une fois, caresser (Rve). | (Dty) |
SO.AMA | Ama | Kind of tree whose root is grated for spice | (Dty) |
NP.ANAKE | Ana | Only, just, completely, totally Problematic | (Dty) |
OC.QANA-NAFI | Nanafi, nunafi, ninaia | Yesterday | (Dty) |
OC.QAOA | Oa | Banyan-like tree | (Dty) |
PN.APO | Apo (trans. apo-(t)jia) | To defend; to cover, shade. Boucher, poser des feuilles (Rve). | (Dty) |
PN.ATA.1 | Ata | Morning | (Dty) |
AN.QATA | Ata | Soul, spirit. ghosts of the dead; shadow, reflection, image... | (Dty) |
NP.ATA-LIKI | Tariki | Son, nephew (of a man) | (Dty) |
EO.QATAMAI.A | Atamai | Right-minded, sane, clever | (Dty) |
PN.A-TE-.1 | Ate | (Dty) |
1905 entries found