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1056 Results matching "mai" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nukumanu EO.QATAMAI.A Atamai Wise; wisdom
Nukumanu AN.MAI.A Mai Postposed directional particle: towards speaker
Nukumanu PN.PALA.1B P/para Rotten (of human remains) (plural)
Mangareva NP.KOPI-TI Kopi Se fermer (se dit des bivalves, des deux mains, qui serrent quelquechose)
Tokelau AN.MAI.A Mai Post-verbal directional particle denoting a literal or figurative movement in the direction of the speaker
Tokelau PN.MOLE.1 Mole (of people and things) Be none remaining, nothing remaining; (of stomach) empty; faint, swoon
Tokelau OC.PENU.A Penu Grated coconut (from which the cream has been extracted); butt remaining of a chewed pandanus fruit; term used of the growing seedlings of pandanus whose leaves are used for mat-weaving
Tokelau PN.TOE-GA Toega Remainder, things left over, bits and pieces
Tokelau PN.TOKO.1C Toko The pole of which the top end is tied to the tilatuu (main sprit) to support the sail when sailing; to support something with something
Tokelau PN.TINO.C Tino mai To be fulfilled, come true, take shape
Pukapuka NP.MAQI-KUKU Mai(ti)kuku Fingernail, toenail
Nukumanu SO.KAU-MAI Koumai Send/give to speaker Phonologically Irregular
Rapa PN.MAQAHI Mai Overripe taro
East Futuna NP.TEE-IA.* Leia Déterminant nominal: là-bas (démonstratif éloigné); là (éloigné, mais visible du locuteur et de l'interlocuteur); en question (anaphorique) Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka PN.TOE-GA Toe/toega Remains, leftovers
Mangareva CP.TAA-PUI Tapuui Cérémonie au cours de l'ordination des pretres du culte polynésien; mettre de la poussière sur quelqu'un ou le salir en s'essuyant les mains sur lui; enduire, barbouiller Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rapa NP.MAQI-KUKU Maikuku Nails Phonologically Irregular
Rapa EO.FOKI.1 Oki mai To come back
Rapa AN.MAI.A Oki mai To come back
Tupuaki CE.FAAGAI.B Tamai hanai Adopted son
Takuu PN.HAGA.2 Ana/ana Act as nursemaid to; support (as with clothes or food)
Takuu EC.KAMAI Kamai Fish sp.: Rainbow Runner (Elegatis bipinnulatus)
Luangiua EC.KAMAI ʔAmai Runner
Nukumanu EC.KAMAI Kamai (Elegatis bipinnulatus)
Sikaiana EC.KAMAI Kamai (Elegatis bipinnulatus)
Tokelau EC.KAMAI Kamai Fish sp.: Rainbow Runner (Elegatis bipinnulatus)
Nuguria AN.MAI.A Mai Postposed directional particle: here, to me, for me
West Futuna XO.MA-ISU Maisu vaka Figurehead of canoe
Nuguria XO.MA-ISU Maisu Lips, area around the mouth
West Futuna NP.PEQE-SI.B Pesi/a/mai (ANI) To shut in, include
Takuu FJ.MAPO Sii/mapo (of wood) Rotten on the outside while the inner wood remains sound
Ra'ivavae CE.GERE ŋere To be deprived; to be not, not to be; to sequestrate ceremonially (as young maidens of the hare-nunu); to take prisoner, imprison, shut into
East Futuna PN.-RA La Là, donc. Cette particule se met souvent à la fin des mots ou des phrases, sans avoir de sens bien précis. Marque de fin de syntagme ou de fin d'énoncé, facultative, mais très souvent utilisée comme ponctuation dans le discours (Mfr).
Ra'ivavae OC.SAU.3 Hau A government, administration, domain; be at peace
Ra'ivavae CE.FAKA-EA Haʔaea To cease, stop, desist; to pause; to remain
Penrhyn PN.MAI.D Mai From, since, like
Tuamotu PN.MAI.D Mai From
Tahitian PN.MAI.D Mai Indicates point of departure
Samoan PN.MAI.D Mai Pre-basic particle. From
Hawaiian PN.MAI.D Mai From
Rennellese PN.MAI.D Mai From
Niue PN.MAI.D Mai From
Anuta PN.MAI.D Mai From
Easter Island PN.MAI.D Mai From
Kapingamarangi PN.MAI.D Mai From
Mangareva MP.KUMU.2 Ku/kumu Fermer la bouche avec la main
Ra'ivavae CE.SOO-.1 Hoo/mai To give; to suggest a course of action
Ra'ivavae NP.SOKO.2 Hoʔo To exchange, barter; (mod.) to sell, buy (with atu,mai)...
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.HOKA.1 Oka Main rafters
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.SEE.1 E/mai Be born premature Uncertain Semantic Connection