Protoform: HAKAU [OC] Coral reef

Description: Coral reef
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to OC: Oceanic

*3 PEO *zakaru "reef" (Gty. 1983).
*4 POC *sakaRu "reef, shoal" (LPO II:104).
*5 PMP,PEMP *sakaRu "reef, shoal" (Bst. 1989:163).

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Anuta Akau Reef (Fbg)
East Futuna Akau Coral reef (I) (Mfr)
East Uvea Hakau Récif, plus spécialement les récif de l'intérieur de lagon Problematic (Rch)
Emae Reekau Reef (Cpl)
Emae Akau Reef edge (Cpl)
Fijian Cakau Coral reef (Cpl)
Kapingamarangi Aakau Landless coral reef (Ebt)
Kapingamarangi Agau Reef (Lbr)
Luangiua Heʔau Coral reef Problematic (Smd)
Luangiua ʔAʔau Reef (Smd)
Mangareva Akau Récif de corail (Rch)
Mangareva Tekau Nom général des récifs des Gambier Phonologically Irregular (Rch)
Marquesas Akau Récif de corail (Lch)
Mota Sakaru Coral stones on the shore (Cdn)
New Zealand Maori Aakau Shore, coast, esp. rocky coast; bank of a stream; reef (Wms)
Niuatoputapu Hakau Patch reef (Dye)
Nuguria Akau Reef (n. and n.loc.) (Dvl)
Nukuoro Agau Reef under water (Crl)
Pukapuka Akau Reef (Mta)
Raʔivavae Aʔaau Reef (Zpn)
Rarotongan Akau Coral reef (Bse)
Rennellese Akau Coral reef in general (Ebt)
Samoan A/aʔau/ Coral reef (Prt)
Tahitian Aʔau Récif corallien (Lmt)
Takuu Akau The coral reef, exposed at low tide, which encircles Takuu...; isolated coral head in lagoon (Mle)
Tikopia Akau Reef fringing an island or in atoll form (Fth)
Tokelau Akau General term for coral; reef; fishing ground (in the ocean sea) (Sma)
Tongan Hakau Coral reef (Cwd)
Tuamotu A/akau/ Coral reef (Stn)
Tupuaki Aau Reef (Grn)
Tuvalu Akau Reef formations in the lagoon (Rby)
Vaeakau-Taumako Akau Reef (Hvn)
West Futuna Kau Reef, rocks (Cpl)
West Uvea Akau Récif (Hmn)

34 entries found

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