Protoform: PORO-QAKI [PN] Give instructions (on parting)
Description: | Give instructions (on parting) |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian |
Notes: | *0 << PN *poro |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
East Futuna | Poloaki | Farewell, parting instructions | (Bgs) |
East Uvea | Poa/poaki | Annoncer Problematic | (Rch) |
Emae | Poroaki/na | Say goodbye to v.t. | (Cpl) |
Emae | Poro/poroaki | Say goodbye v.i. | (Cpl) |
Hawaiian | Poloʔai | Summon, command to appear, invite, proclaim publicly | (Pki) |
Kapingamarangi | Poro(w)aki | Will; make a will, order, make an engagement | (Ebt) |
Kapingamarangi | Boloagi | To bequeath, to will; to appoint a guardian, to entrust to someone's care | (Lbr) |
Mangareva | Poroaki | Faire appeler quelqu'un; délivrer un ordre. To send word, deliver an order (Tgr). | (Rch) |
Manihiki-Rakahanga | Poroake | A will Phonologically Irregular | (Sve) |
Manihiki-Rakahanga | Poroki/roki | Warn | (Osn) |
Marquesas | Poʔoaʔi, poʔohaki, poʔoʔaki | Engager à, inviter à, commander de, solliciter à, porter à | (Dln) |
Moriori | Po/poroki | Bid farewell | (Shd) |
New Zealand Maori | Poro/poroaki | Leave instructions on departing | (Wms) |
New Zealand Maori | Poroki | Give directions at time of departure | (Wms) |
Niue | Poaki, puaki | Issue a command, send word, send a message | (Sph) |
Niue | Poaki (Tafiti dialect), puaki (Motu dialect) | (To issue a) command | (McE) |
Nuguria | Poroaki | Embrace, hug | (Dvl) |
Pukapuka | Poloaki | Love message, plot or scheme for a meeting of lovers | (Bge) |
Rarotongan | Poroaaki | Leave instructions on departing, bespeak | (Bse) |
Rarotongan | Poro(a)ki | Issue final injunctions (esp. before parting or death), enjoin, summon urgently | (Bse) |
Rennellese | Pogoʔaki | Order, invite, send for, summon, call, beckon | (Ebt) |
Rennellese | He/pogoʔaki | Greet ceremonially, discuss peace, bring gifts | (Ebt) |
Rennellese | Pogoaki/nga | Invitation, order, request | (Ebt) |
Samoan | Poloaʔi | Send message , leave instructions | (Prt) |
Sikaiana | Poloaki | To say goodbye | (Dnr) |
Tahitian | Poroʔi | Message; informer; commande, faire une commande; demander, faire venir, appeler | (Lmt) |
Tahitian | Poroi | A charge, direction given, a saying; to take leave, or bid farewell; also to inform | (Dvs) |
Tikopia | Poroaki | Command; issue formal invitation | (Fth) |
Tokelau | Poloaki | Notify, advise, order, instruct | (Sma) |
Tongan | Poaki | Apologize for absence, ask leave or permission | (Cwd) |
Tongan | Poo/poaki | Send a message; message | (Cwd) |
Tuvalu | Poloaki | Bid farewell | (Rby) |
Tuvalu | Polo/poloaki | Advise, chide, reprimand | (Rby) |
West Futuna | Poroki/na | Invite | (Dty) |
West Futuna | Purogi/na | To accompany; escort (n) Problematic | (Cpl) |
West Uvea | Poloaki | Se dire adieu | (Hmn) |
36 entries found
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