Protoform: FAKA-TUQU [PN] Set up, establish; begin
Description: | Set up, establish; begin |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian |
Notes: | *0 << PN *faka-.1a, *tuqu |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
Anuta | Pakatu | To stand something up, to cause to stand, to raise up | (Fbg) |
East Futuna | Fakatuʔu | Relever, dresser; faire arrêter momentanément | (Mfr) |
East Uvea | Fakatuʔu | Mettre debout, élever, ériger, ressusciter | (Rch) |
Easter Island | Hakatuʔu | Build, erect, lift, pick up, place, set up | (Fts) |
Hawaiian | Hoʔokuu | To set up, make stand, establish, asa society; to brace a canoe with a paddle...; to carry on, as a family name | (Pki) |
Luangiua | Haakuu | Erect sticks on outrigger | (Smd) |
Luangiua | Haʔakuu-lia, haʔakuu-ia | Bauen, aufstellen [build, put up] | (Sar) |
Mangareva | ʔAkatuu | Rétablissement d'un roi...; dresser des arbres tombés, une maison démolie; former des complots; inventer des histoires;...créer. Dresser, relever; raise (Atl). | (Rch) |
Manihiki-Rakahanga | Fakatu/tu | Vertical (in plaiting) | (Bck) |
Marquesas | Haʔatuu (MQS), hakatuu (MQN) | Dresser, mettre debout; élever, ériger, bâtir. Relever, raise (Atl). | (Lch) |
Marquesas | Hakatu í te tupapaú | Mettre un cadavre dans sa maison de mort | (Dln) |
Marquesas | Hoʔgaʔtoo | Burial | (Rbs) |
New Zealand Maori | Whakatuu | Erect, set up, raise; propose a subject for discussion, etc.; instigate | (Wms) |
Niue | Fakatuu | Make to stand, put, place; stop (a vehicle); nominate; court (as lovers); initiate, begin, start | (Sph) |
Nukumanu | Hakatuu (mult. hakatuu/tuu) | Cause to stand; build (house). Raise (sail); bow and stern pegs attaching outrigger float to boom (Fbg). | (Trt) |
Nukuoro | Hagaduu | Construct, set up, build | (Crl) |
Penrhyn | Akatuu | Erect, stand, raise Borrowed | (Sta) |
Pukapuka | Wakatuu | Erect, make stand | (Bge) |
Rarotongan | ʔAkatuu | Make to stand up, erect, build | (Bse) |
Rennellese | Hakatuʔu | To raise, lift up, elevate, put up, pile up, extend, erect, start, begin; to set, as a net... | (Ebt) |
Samoan | Faʔatuu | Stand (something) up, set upright, erect; set up, establish; leave (something) stationary, park a vehicle; (of vessel) make for, bear up for | (Mnr) |
Sikaiana | Hakatuu | Make stand, set up in vertical position; make, establish, set up | (Dnr) |
Tahitian | Faʔatuu | Mettre à égalité Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Lmt) |
Tahitian | Faʔatiʔa | Mettre debout, mettre sur pied, dresser, instituer, bâtir; autoriser; raconter | (Lmt) |
Tahitian | Faatu | To raise up, put in an erect posture; also to support, assist | (Dvs) |
Takuu | Hakatuu | Erect, cause something to stand, initiate, raise (one's hand), stand on tiptoes; (of canoe) set a course towards something | (Mle) |
Tikopia | Fakatuu | Set up, stand up; set, in sense of fit (vt); set up in sense of produce | (Fth) |
Tokelau | Fakatuu | Make (someone or something) stand up; set up, establish; head for, make for; (of vehicle etc.) stop, discontinue its journey | (Sma) |
Tongan | Fokotuʔu | Cause to stand; heap up; set up, establish; appoint; set in order; propose, suggest.... | (Cwd) |
Tongan | Foccatoó | On end, endwise, to set up on end; to heap up, to collect together, to jumble together, to amass | (Mar) |
Tuamotu | Fakatuu, hakatuu | Set upright, cause to stand up;....inaugurate, instigate... | (Stn) |
Tuvalu | Fakatuu | To erect | (Rby) |
Tuvalu | Fakatu | To stop (car); raise up, make stand up, erect | (Jsn) |
Vaeakau-Taumako | Hakatu | Vertical connector (of Te Puke canoe) [Taumako Dialect] | (Gge) |
Vaeakau-Taumako | Huatuu | Begin | (Hvn) |
Vaeakau-Taumako | Huathu/lia | Make stand | (Hvn) |
West Futuna | Fakatu/ria | To stand something upright, plant upright in the ground, make vertical. To build [Aniwa Dialect]. | (Dty) |
West Uvea | Fagatuu-lia | Faire tenir debout; planter (un filet) | (Hmn) |
38 entries found
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