Protoform: KATOA [PN] All, whole

Description: All, whole
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

*0 >> SO *kaatoa

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Anuta Katoa Alleach, every (Fbg)
East Uvea Katoa Tout, universel, complet (Rch)
Easter Island Takoʔa Also Problematic (Kvt)
Easter Island Toa/toa All Problematic (Fts)
Easter Island Ta/ʔatoʔa All Phonologically Irregular (Wbr)
Emae Katoa/ina All (Cpl)
Fijian Katoa Very plentiful (of draught of fish) (Cpl)
Hawaiian ʔAakoa/koa Assembled, collected (Pki)
Ifira-Mele Katoa All (Clk)
Kapingamarangi Hu(a)/kotoa/, huukatoo All, both (Ebt)
Kapingamarangi Huo/godoo/ All, the entire, entirely (Lbr)
Luangiua Ha/akoa All (Smd)
Luangiua Ha/(ʔ)akoa. Haʔakooa (Sar). All (Smd)
Manihiki-Rakahanga Katoa, kaatoa/toa All (Krk)
Marquesas Kotoa (MQN), ʔotoa (MQS) Tout, tous, entièrement (Lch)
Marquesas Natoa (MQS) Ensemble, en même temps, entièrement, avec soi Phonologically Irregular (Dln)
New Zealand Maori Katoa All, the whole, wholly, altogether (Wms)
Niuafoʔou Kotoa All (Tmo)
Niue Katoa Whole, all, total (Sph)
Niue Gotoa All, everyone, whole (Archaic, used in church) Problematic (Sph)
Nuguria Kato All; part (Ray)
Nuguria Me kato Zusammen (Ths)
Nuguria Katoa te mahina Full moon (Ray)
Nuguria Katoo All (Dvl)
Nukuoro Hu/gadoo/ All (of things) (Crl)
Nukuoro Gadoa To be overdue for parturition (Crl)
Nukuoro Katoa All (Crn)
Penrhyn Katoa All (Sta)
Penrhyn Kaatoa/toa All, total (Sta)
Pukapuka Taa/katoa All, every altogether (Bge)
Pukapuka Katoa/nga Whole, all of something (Sby)
Rapa Koto/ngake Whole (Sks)
Rarotongan Katoa All, (The) whole, together; as well, also, too (Bse)
Rennellese Katoa Ten, tenth (Ebt)
Rotuman ʔA/takoa/ All, whole, completely Problematic (Cwd)
Rotuman Katoʔa Hundred fish Problematic (Cwd)
Samoan ʔAtoa ma Also, together with (Prt)
Sikaiana Katoa All (Dnr)
Tahitian Atoʔa Tous, toutes (après une forme nominale); aussi (après une forme verbale) Phonologically Irregular (Lmt)
Takuu Katoa All, full, ten (Hwd)
Tikopia Katoa All, every, whole (Fth)
Tongan Kotoa All, every, whole (Cwd)
Tongan Cotoa Mass, whole, bulk; complete, entire (Mar)
Tongan Cotóa/bé Wholly (Mar)
Tuamotu Katooa Equal, uniform, whole, wholly, altogether; also, too (Stn)
Tuvalu Katoa All, the full complement (Rby)
Vaeakau-Taumako Katoa All, very (quantifier with a free distribution though in most cases postnuclear); ten (Hvn)
Vaeakau-Taumako Ko takoto katoa Full moon (Lch)
Vaeakau-Taumako Kato/ma Nevertheless; even if Problematic (Hvn)
West Uvea Katoa Pareil, de la mème espèce; partout Uncertain Semantic Connection (Hmn)

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