Protoform: FILO [EO] Twist cord from fibres by rolling them on the thigh
Description: | Twist cord from fibres by rolling them on the thigh |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to EO: Eastern Oceanic |
Notes: | *1 Cf. PN *firo.1 "mix, mingle". |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
Anuta | Piro | Twist | (Yen) |
East Futuna | Filo | To twist cord from fibre (e.g. sennit) | (Bgs) |
East Uvea | Filo | Thread, yarn | (Rch) |
Easter Island | Hiro | Plait, braid. Twist (e.g. as in making rope) (Wbr). | (Kvt) |
Fijian | Vulo | Twist thread on knee | (Cpl) |
Hawaiian | Hilo | Twist, braid, spin; twisted, braided | (Pki) |
Luangiua | Hilo | Make rope; rolling netting fibre on thigh | (Smd) |
Mangareva | ʔIro (plural ʔiʔiro, ʔiroʔiro) | Faire des ficelles sur les cuisses à la manière traditionelle | (Rch) |
Mangareva | ʔIro | Faire de la ficelle sur les cuisses | (Jnu) |
Marquesas | Hiʔo, fiʔo | Corder, filer | (Dln) |
Marquesas | Féyo | To twist; to make line or cord | (Crk) |
Nguna | Vilo/ki | Twist | (Stz) |
Niue | Filo | To twist (as a rope), to plait; string, thread, reel of cotton | (McE) |
Niue | Filo kaufana | Bow string | (Lws) |
Nukuoro | Hilo | Braid strands of sennit | (Crl) |
Nukuoro | Hiro/hiro | Sinnet | (Crn) |
Pukapuka | Wilo | To braid (e.g. sinnet) | (Mta) |
Raʔivavae | Hiro | To make or lay cord by affixing strands end to end and twisting; to twist strands together with the fingers... | (Stn) |
Rarotongan | ʔIro | Twist lines with palm on thigh | (Bse) |
Rennellese | Higo | Coil, braid; to mix | (Ebt) |
Saʔa | Hulo | Close up, wrap around | (Ivs) |
Samoan | Filo | Twine, thread | (Prt) |
Sikaiana | Hilo | To braid (as rope) | (Sps) |
Takuu | Filo | Roll rope (on thighs) | (Hwd) |
Takuu | Hilo | Roll sennit strands on one's thighs to make rope | (Mle) |
Tikopia | Firo | Roll cord on thigh, twist | (Fth) |
Tokelau | Filo | Roll together the coconut fibre strands (usually between the palm of the hand and the upper thigh) into cord; thread (of cotton, silk etc.) | (Sma) |
Tongan | Filo(ilo) | Spin, make thread string or rope; thread, cotton, thin string | (Cwd) |
Tongan | Filo(filo)hi | Executive transitive of filo | (Cwd) |
Tongan | Filo | Thread, string; the perinaeum | (Mar) |
Vaeakau-Taumako | Filo | Bound with wicker | (Ebt) |
West Futuna | Firo/sia | Twist together two or more pieces; distinct from braiding | (Dty) |
West Uvea | Filo-sia | (en fabriquant des cordes) Travailler (les fibres) sur la cuisse | (Hmn) |
33 entries found
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