West Futuna entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.TAGO.B Tan/taŋo (To go) fishing on the reef in the dark (Cpl)
AN.TANU Tanu/moki-na To bury nuts to grow; also medicine as thrown away (Cpl)
AN.MATUQA.A Taŋata ta/motua Important person (Cpl)
FJ.WELE Taŋa/veri/a (ANI) Clear (Cpl)
FJ.WELE Taŋo/vari To weed a place for garden Phonologically Irregular (Cpl)
PN.TAGULU Taŋuru Thunder (n,v). Faire du bruit (pluie) (Rve). (Cpl)
PN.GAO.2 Tapu/ŋao A footstep (Cpl)
PN.TAPU-WAQE Tapu/gao, tapu/gau Foot, footstep, footprint. Dessous du pied (Rve). Problematic (Dty)
AN.LATA.1 Tara Tame Phonologically Irregular (Cpl)
PN.TALA.1 Tara/makau Spur of fowl; a strong, brave man (Cpl)
PN.TALA-QA-MOA Taramoa Bramble (Cpl)
PN.TALA-TALA.A Taratara Thorn bush (Cpl)
PN.TALAWA Tarava Fish sp. (Cpl)
AN.TALIGA Tariŋa The ear (Cpl)
PN.LOMI Ta/rom/rómia To be filled with food containing much water Uncertain Semantic Connection (Cpl)
MP.QOLOGAA Ta/roŋa A fibre used for twine making; to look for it (Cpl)
FJ.TAE.2B Ta/tae Landing net for flying fish (Cpl)
PN.TAOTAO Tatao Fish sp. (Cpl)
NP.TAQO.2B Tau To thatch (Cpl)
MP.TAO Tau (ANI) A dart (Cpl)
PN.TAFUTI Taufu/futSi (ANI) To race canoes (Cpl)
PN.TAU.3 Tau/nea Counting, enumeration (Cpl)
PN.TAQO-KUPU Taupuku (WFU) The loins, ilium (in front) (Cpl)
SO.TAU-TALI Tautari To follow (Cpl)
PN.TAU.2 Tau/tau/fare, tou/toua/fare Spider, spider web (Dty)
PN.TAU.2 Tau-ria, tou-ria To hang (Dty)
NP.WAANAGA Ta/vanaga, ta/venaga To converse, talk together, discuss; conversation, meeting (Dty)
PN.FATU-TILI Ve(h)jiri. Ta/vajiri (Cpl). Vahjiri (Rve). Thunder; to make a thunderous or rumbling noise; large seed pod dried for making ankle bracelet noise-makers for dance Phonologically Irregular (Dty)
NP.WEKU.1 Ta/veku Be drenched with rain (Cpl)
EO.TAFI Tax/tafi/nea (WFU) Of women, to touch food along with the males (Cpl)
FJ.TAFU.A Tah/tafu/na (WFU) To burn off rubbish, when clearing plantation (Dty)
PN.TAKI-.2 Tax/taki (WFU) To share, partake Problematic (Cpl)
PN.TAKU.1 Tax/táku-a (WFU) To dare, challenge (Cpl)
NP.LAFU.2 Te/rahu (ANI) Forbidden (Cpl)
MP.AFE.1A Tere/afe To go backwards (Cpl)
MP.TOKE-LAU Tokarau The north east (Cpl)
MP.TOKO.1A Toka/toka (WFU), toko/toko (ANI) Staff (Cpl)
AN.MATUQA.A To/matua Strong, able (Cpl)
OC.TAQO.2A To/mi-a To hold down, press down, weigh down. Recouvrir de pierres chaudes (Rve). (Dty)
PN.TOLE Tore The gums Uncertain Semantic Connection (Cpl)
PN.TORO Toro The sugarcane (Cpl)
OC.KOFU.2 Toro/kófu/a To be smoking (of oven), food being then cooked (Cpl)
PN.TOLO.1 Toro/vei-a To give water (medicine) to pigs when young, sprinkling them... (Cpl)
OC.KANO.1A Kano toki Lame (de hache) (Rve)
PN.TUU.2 Tu-ia To strain a liquid (Cpl)
PN.TUQU.3A Tu/ji-a (WFU), tau/tjia (ANI) Cut something. Cut away, cut off (Cpl). Découper (laplap) (Rve). (Dty)
OC.QUTU.1 Tu/fokina (WFU), tu/fogina (ANI) To scoop water (Cpl)
PN.FAKA-TAFA Tu/fakatafa To decline (of sun) (Cpl)
PN.MOTI-MOTI Ta/moxmosi a ua A big shower of rain (Cpl)
AN.TAQUFUFU Tofufu. Tafufu, ufufu (Cpl). Main or central beam of peaked roof; dirgepole of house; ceiling (Dty)

1908 entries found