Protoform: PITO.1 [AN] Navel

Description: Navel
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to AN: Austronesian

*3 PEO *buto- "navel" (Gty. 1983).
*4 POC *bwito- 'navel, umbilical cord' (LPO V:152)..
*5 PMP *put'ag'(Dpf), *pusej "navel" (Bst.1990).
*6 PAN *pus1eje "navel" (PANDYMC).

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Anuta Pito Navel, umbilical cord (Fbg)
East Futuna Pito Navel (Mfr)
East Uvea Pito Navel (Rch)
Easter Island Pito Navel (Fts)
Emae Bito Navel Phonologically Irregular (Cpl)
Fijian Buto Navel (dialect) (Cpl)
Fijian Vico/vico Navel (Cpl)
Hawaiian Piko Navel (Pki)
Ifira-Mele Pito Navel (Clk)
Kapingamarangi Bida Navel (Lbr)
Kwaraʔae Buta- Navel (Shn)
Lau Buto Navel (Ivs)
Mangareva Pito Navel. Nombril. (Rch)
Mangareva Pito/i Coeur, moelle du fruit à pain; prolongation de la queue d'un fruit sous une forme différente à laquelle adhère sa substance Uncertain Semantic Connection (Rch)
Manihiki-Rakahanga Pito Navel, umbilical cord (Krk)
Marquesas Pito Navel. Nombril, cordon ombilical (Lch). (Dln)
Moriori Pito Navel (Shd)
Mota Puto Navel (Cdn)
New Zealand Maori Pito Navel, umbilical cord (Bgs)
Nggela Mbuto Navel (Fox)
Nguna Na/puto/ Navel (Stz)
Niuafoʔou Pito Navel (Gry)
Niue Pito Navel, umbilical cord (Sph)
Penrhyn Pito Navel; navel string; lid of turban shell (Sta)
Pukapuka Pito Navel (Bge)
Rapa Pito Navel (Grn)
Rarotongan Pito Navel (Bse)
Rennellese Pito Navel, umbilical cord (Ebt)
Rotuman Pufa Navel (Cwd)
Saʔa Poo Navel (Ivs)
Samoan Pito/pito Anus (Prt)
Samoan Pute The navel Phonologically Irregular (Prt)
Tahitian Pito Nombril. The navel, the navel string (Dvs). (Lmt)
Takuu Pito/uka A kind of string Problematic (Hwd)
Tikopia Pito Navel (Fth)
Tongan Pito Navel (Cwd)
Tongan Bito The navel (Mar)
Tuamotu Pito Navel (Stn)
Tuvalu Pito Navel (Rby)
Vaeakau-Taumako Pito Navel, umbilical cord (Hvn)
Waya Buto Navel, umbilical-cord (Ply)
West Uvea Pito Nombril (Hmn)

42 entries found

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