Protoform: FALE [MP] House n
Description: | House n |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to MP: Malayo-Polynesian |
Notes: | *4 POC *pale "open-sided building" ‘building for storage or public use, open-sided building, shed’ |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
Anuta | Pare | House. Generic term for a house or building of any sort; to dwell, stay, live, reside; middle-level "descent group" similar in connotation to *api* (Fbg). | (Yen) |
Bugotu | Vathe/nga | House | (Ivs) |
East Futuna | Fale | House | (Mfr) |
East Uvea | Fale | House | (Rch) |
Easter Island | Hare | House. Room (Wbr). | (Fts) |
Emae | Fare | House | (Cpl) |
Fijian | Vale | House | (Cpl) |
Hawaiian | Hale | House | (Pki) |
Ifira-Mele | Fare | House | (Clk) |
Kapingamarangi | Hale | House | (Lbr) |
Luangiua | Hale | House | (Smd) |
Mangareva | ʔAre | House | (Rch) |
Manihiki-Rakahanga | Fare, Whare (Sve) | House, home | (Krk) |
Marquesas | Haʔe (MQN), faʔe (MQS) | Case, maison | (Lch) |
Moriori | Whare | House . Hut | (Bke) |
New Zealand Maori | Whare | House | (Wms) |
Nggela | Vale | House | (Fox) |
Nguna | Vare/a | Meeting-house | (Stz) |
Niuafoʔou | Fale | House | (Dye) |
Niue | Fale | House | (Sph) |
Nuguria | Hare | House, home | (Dvl) |
Nuguria | Hale | House | (Fdi) |
Nukumanu | Hale | House; non-unilinear descent group | (Fbg) |
Nukumanu | Hare. Hale (Fbg). | House. Descent group (Fbg). | (Trt) |
Nukumanu | I hare | Home(ward) | (Trt) |
Nukumanu | Hare/akina | Household | (Trt) |
Nukuoro | Hale. Fare, hare (Crn). | House | (Crl) |
Penrhyn | Hare | House | (Sta) |
Penrhyn | Harè | House | (Lmt) |
Pukapuka | Wale | House or home | (Mta) |
Raʔivavae | Hare | Building, dwelling, house... | (Stn) |
Rapa | ʔAre | House | (Sks) |
Rarotongan | ʔAre | House | (Bse) |
Rennellese | Hage | House, hut, building | (Ebt) |
Rotuman | Hale | Section of house thatch | (Cwd) |
Saʔa | Hale | Shed | (Ivs) |
Samoan | Fale | House | (Prt) |
Sikaiana | Hale | House; a star constellation | (Dnr) |
Tahitian | Fare | Maison | (Lmt) |
Takuu | Fare | House, dwelling | (Hwd) |
Takuu | Hare | House, dwelling; chrysalis; hole in which an animal lives; clan | (Mle) |
Tikopia | Fare | Hut | (Fth) |
Tokelau | Fale | House | (Sma) |
Tongan | Fale | House | (Cwd) |
Tongan | Falle | A house | (Mar) |
Tuamotu | Fare | House | (Stn) |
Tuamotu | Hare | House | (Stn) |
Tupuaki | E hare | Family | (Grn) |
Tuvalu | Hale | House | (Rby) |
Vaeakau-Taumako | Hale, fale | House, home; nest; sheath (for knife) | (Hvn) |
West Futuna | Fare | House | (Dty) |
West Uvea | Fale | Maison | (Hmn) |
52 entries found
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