Semantic Categories

Code Category Entries
84 Abstract Nouns 28
11 Abstract Verbs 69
11 Abstract Verbs - Aspectual and Temporal 47
25 Action with Feet 5
31 Action with Rope etc. 52
63 Animal Behaviour 26
41 Association (Most General Social Actions) 89
17 Being and Moving in Water 24
89.1 Birds 94
91 Body Parts 309
94.2 Buildings 12
94.1 Bush Work and Gardening 26
95 Canoes and Fishing Gear 106
21 Carrying 36
53 Character and Disposition 52
97 Clothing and Ornament 36
85 Cosmology and Weather 129
24 Cutting and Breaking 131
62 Eating and Drinking 56
43 Economic Actions 44
51 Emotions 112
61.4 Excretion 15
89 Fauna 10
32 Fire Actions 30
96 Fire and Cooking 39
89.3 Fish 224
89.3 Fish - Acanthuridae 9
89.3 Fish - Albulidae 1
89.3 Fish - Aulostomidae 2
89.3 Fish - Balistidae 3
89.3 Fish - Belonidae 1
89.3 Fish - Blenniidae 2
89.3 Fish - Bothidae 2
89.3 Fish - Carangidae 18
89.3 Fish - Cetaceans 7
89.3 Fish - Chaetodontidae 2
89.3 Fish - Chanidae 1
89.3 Fish - Cirrhitidae 1
89.3 Fish - Clupeidae 2
89.3 Fish - Coryphaenidae 1
89.3 Fish - Diodontidae 1
89.3 Fish - Echeneidae 1
89.3 Fish - Eels 8
89.3 Fish - Engraulidae 1
89.3 Fish - Exocoetidae 3
89.3 Fish - Fistulariidae 1
89.3 Fish - Gempylidae 1
89.3 Fish - Gerreidae 1
89.3 Fish - Gobiidae 1
89.3 Fish - Hemiramphidae 1
89.3 Fish - Holocentridae 3
89.3 Fish - Kuhliidae 1
89.3 Fish - Kyphosidae 2
89.3 Fish - Labridae 7
89.3 Fish - Lethrinidae 5
89.3 Fish - Lutjanidae 8
89.3 Fish - Monacanthidae 1
89.3 Fish - Mugilidae 6
89.3 Fish - Mullidae 10
89.3 Fish - Ostraciidae 1
89.3 Fish - Pempheridae 1
89.3 Fish - Plotosidae 1
89.3 Fish - Polynemidae 1
89.3 Fish - Priacanthidae 1
89.3 Fish - Scaridae 6
89.3 Fish - Scombridae 8
89.3 Fish - Scorpaenidae 3
89.3 Fish - Serranidae 9
89.3 Fish - Sharks and Rays 22
89.3 Fish - Siganidae 1
89.3 Fish - Sphyraenidae 5
89.3 Fish - Tetraodontidae 2
89.3 Fish - Unidentified fish 53
89.3 Fish - Xyphiidae 1
88 Flora 17
34 Food Gathering etc. 20
88.2 Food Plants and their parts 76
88.2 Food Plants and their parts - Banana 13
88.2 Food Plants and their parts - Breadfruit 7
88.2 Food Plants and their parts - Coconut 37
88.2 Food Plants and their parts - Kava 9
88.2 Food Plants and their parts - Sugarcane 3
88.2 Food Plants and their parts - Taro 5
88.2 Food Plants and their parts - Yams 11
35 Food Preparation and Cooking 27
71 General States and Qualities 56
83 General Things and Parts of Things 150
0 Grammatical Particles and Affixes 247
0 Grammatical Particles and Affixes - Articles 10
0 Grammatical Particles and Affixes - Conjunctions 25
0 Grammatical Particles and Affixes - Demonstratives 31
0 Grammatical Particles and Affixes - Negatives 20
0 Grammatical Particles and Affixes - Number Markers 16
0 Grammatical Particles and Affixes - Post-Verbal Particles 28
0 Grammatical Particles and Affixes - Pre-verbal Particles 8
0 Grammatical Particles and Affixes - Prefixes 38
0 Grammatical Particles and Affixes - Prepositions 22
0 Grammatical Particles and Affixes - Pronouns 67
0 Grammatical Particles and Affixes - Suffixes 8
0 Grammatical Particles and Affixes - Verbal Particles (TAM) 17
46 Grooming and Play 40
28 Hitting 32
22 Holding 44
94.4 House Furnishings 12
61.5 Illness and Injury 91
2 Interjections 25
1 Interrogatives 15
40 Kinship Actions 11
89.2 Land Animals 82
61 Life Processes 95
16 Local Aspects of Motion 126
12 Location 64
98 Mats, Baskets, Cordage, Bark Cloth 54
57.1 Metalinguistic Nouns 22
15 Motion from Place to Place 38
14 Motion in Place 37
59 Music and Dance 44
58 Non verbal Communication and Expression 41
26 Opening and Closing, (Un)covering 55
61.1 Oral Nasal Respiratory 77
36 Other Manipulations 96
88.4 Other Plants 120
88.4 Other Plants - Bamboo 3
88.4 Other Plants - Ferns 13
88.4 Other Plants - Others Alphabetically by genus 42
88.4 Other Plants - Pandanus 7
88.4 Other Plants - Paper Mulberry 4
88.4 Other Plants - Reeds and rushes 10
88.4 Other Plants - Unidentified plants 31
88.4 Other Plants - Vines 17
89.4 Other Sea Creatures 119
56 Other Senses 7
99 Other Tools, Weapons and Materials 102
94.3 Parts of House 44
88.1 Parts of Plants 45
92 People: Age, Sex and Kinship Categories 122
93 People: Social Roles 64
73 Physical Properties 163
81.1 Place Names 17
81 Places 47
64 Plant Behaviour and Organic States 40
42 Politics and Warfare 41
13 Posture 48
96.1 Prepared Food 32
92.1 Proper Names 14
27 Pushing and Pulling 29
77 Quantifiers and Measures 56
0 Reconstructions without glosses 87
44 Religion and Ritual 36
61.3 Sex and Reproduction 39
72 Size and Shape 71
61.2 Sleep 19
75 Smells and Tastes 37
76 Sounds 50
57 Speech 114
92.2 Supernaturals 11
94 The Human Landscape 36
87 The Land (including coast) 93
86 The Sea 56
54 Thought and Knowledge 54
29 Throwing 15
82 Times 101
23 Touching to Abrasion (Contact) 44
88.3 Trees 124
88.3 Trees - Alphabetically by genus 107
88.3 Trees - Unidentified trees 30
19 Turning 22
55 Vision 69
74 Visual Properties 74
33 Water Actions 27
18 Water Moving 38
15.1 Ways of Walking (gait) 22
21.1 Wearing Clothes 10
52 Will and Ability 37
52 Will and Ability - Morality 37
45 Work and Rest 13