
Code Source Entries Reference
Ann ? 2
Cnt ? 31 ?
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Stz Albert J.Schütz 92 Personal Communication
Aud Audran 1929 22 Audran, Hervé (1929) Etude comparative polynésienne concernant les noms des jours de lune. Bulletin de la Société des Etudes Océaniennes 30: 260-261.
Yda Ayako Yasuda 0 Field notes
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Bgs Bruce Biggs 521
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Tpi Edmond Teppuri 20 Personal Communication
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Gmd Gaimard 5
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McC Gerald McCormack 62
Kch Gerd Koch 3
Gms GNZMS 144 9 Manuscript (GNZMS 144, Grey Collection, Auckland Public Library)
Mlr Graham Miller, field notes 9
Gry Gregory 1978 160 Gregory, Charlene. 1978. Niuafo'ou basic vocabulary, from Mosese Manukia ('Eua).
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Smt Hans Schmidt 4 Personal Communication
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Hwd Irwin Howard, ms dictionary 337
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Fny Joseph Finney 7 Personal Communication
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Mfr Moyse-Faurie 1993 1505 Moyse-Faurie, C. (1993). Dictionnaire futunien-français. Paris, Peeters.
Mtu Mutu 2002 35 Mutu, M. and e. a. Te'ikitutoua, B. (2002). 'Ua Pou: aspects of a Marquesan dialect. Canberra, Pacific Linguistics.
Nks Noricks 1981 5 Noricks, Jay S. (1981) A Tuvalu Dictionary. New Haven: Human Relations Area Files.
Osn Olesen 2019 60 Olesen, Aslak Vaag. 2019. A grammar of the Manihiki language. PhD Thesis, University of Newcastle.
Psn Pallesen 1980 12 Pallesen, Kemp (1980) A Comparative Display of Six Polynesian Wordlists. Typescript, Hamilton, NZ.
Phm Parham 1942 14 Parham, B. E. V. (1942). Fijian plant names. Suva, Government Printer.
Phm Parham 1972 20 Parham, B. E. V. (1972). Plants of Samoa. Wellington, New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research.
Pkn Parkinson 1897-98 30 Parkinson, R. (1897-98). "Zur Ethnographie der Ontong-Java und Tasman-Inseln." Internationale Archiv für Ethnographie X, XI: 194-220.
Gty Paul Geraghty 32 Personal Communication
Kvt Paulus Kieviet 11 Personal Communication
Kvt Paulus Kieviet & Programa Lengua Rapa Nui 94 Paulus Kieviet & Programa Lengua Rapa Nui (Convenio: Pontificio Universidad Católica de Valparaíso & SIL International).
Kvt Paulus Kieviet & Tomite Reo Rapa, Ahurei 4 Paulus Kieviet & Tomite Reo Rapa, Ahurei
Ply Pawley & Sayaba 2003 326 Pawley, A. and T. Sayaba (2003). Words of Waya: A dictionary of the Wayan dialect of the Western Fijian language. Canberra, Department of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies.
Ply Pawley 1970 32 Pawley, A. (1970). Grammatical reconstruction and change in Polynesian and Fiji. In S. A. Wurm and D. C. Laycock (Eds). Pacific linguistic studies in honour of Arthur Capell. Pacific Linguistics: Canberra.
Sps Peter Sharples 126 Personal Communication
Prt Pratt 1911 2639 Pratt, G. (1911). Pratt's Grammar & Dictionary of the Samoan Language. Apia, Western Samoa, Malua Printing Press.
Pki Pukui & Elbert 1986 2173 Pukui, M. K. and S. H. Elbert (1986). Hawaiian Dictionary. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press.
Ebt Pukui 1986 20 Pukui, M. K. and S. H. Elbert (1986). Hawaiian Dictionary. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press.
PNH Pukui, Elbert & Mookini, 1974 1 Mary Kawena Pukui, Samuel H.Elbert & Esther T.Mookini, Place Names of Hawaii. Revised and expended edition. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
Wte Ralph Gardner White 10 Personal Communication
Rby Ranby 1980 1561 Ranby, P. (1980). A Nanumea Lexicon. Canberra, Department of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, The Australian National University.
Rce Randall & Cea 2011 36 John E.Randall and Alfredo Cea, Shore Fishes of Easter Island. Mata Ki Te Rangi Foundation/University of Hawai'i Press. Honolulu, 2011
Rdl Randall 1973 29 Randall, J. E. (1973). "Tahitian fishnames and a preliminary checklist of the fishes of the Society Islands." Bernice P.Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 24: 167-214.
Mka Rangi Moeka'a 47
Ray Ray 1915 10 Ray, S. H. (1915). "Polynesian linguistics II: Polynesian languages of the Micronesian border (III. The Greenwich atoll)." Journal of the Polynesian Society 24(2): 62-64.
Ray Ray 1916 211 Ray, S. H. (1916). "Polynesian linguistics III: Polynesian languages of the Solomon Islands (III. A vocabulary of the language of Nuguria)." Journal of the Polynesian Society 25(2): 44-52.
Ray Ray 1917 2 Ray, S.H. (1917). The people of Greenwich Atoll, Western Pacific Ocean. Man 17: 187-90 (December 1917).
Ray Ray 1921 197 Ray, S. H. (1921). "Polynesian linguistics IV: Polynesian languages of the Santa Cruz Archipelago (V. A vocabulary of the Pileni language)." Journal of the Polynesian Society 30(2): 103-118.
Ray Ray 1926 8 Ray, S. H. (1926). A comparative study of the Melanesian island languages. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Rch Rensch & Whistler 2009 2 Rensch, Karl H. & Whistler, Arthur W. Dictionary of Polynesian Plant Names, revised edition. Canberra: Archipelago Press. 2009.
Btn Rensch 1982 27 Rensch, Karl H. Mots tongiens dans la version originale du "Dictionnaire Wallisien" de P.Bataillon (1851). Journal de la Société des Océanistes 38 (74-75): 177-200 (1982).
Rch Rensch 1983 66 Karl H.Rensch, Fish names of Wallis Island (Uvea). Pacific Studies 7(1): 59-90 (1983).
Rch Rensch 1984 1763 Rensch, K. H. (1984). Tikisionalio Fakauvea-Fakafalani/Dictionnaire Wallisien-Français. Canberra, Department of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, The Australian National University.
Rch Rensch 1986 76 Rensch, K. H. (1986). Tikisionalio Fakafutuna-Fakafalani/Dictionnaire Futunien-Français. Canberra, Department of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, The Australian National University.
Rch Rensch 1991 2494 Rensch, K. H. (1991). Tikitionario Mangareva-'Arani/Dictionnaire Mangarévien-Français. Canberra, Archipelago Press.
Rch Rensch 1999 4 Rensch, K. H. (1999). Dictionary of Polynesian fish names. Mawson, ACT, Archipelago Press.
Rve Rivierre ms 253 Jean-Claude Rivierre, Vocabularies of Emae and Futuna (typescript, 1965-67)
Rbs Robarts 1974 253 Robarts, E. (1974). The Marquesan journal of Edward Robarts 1797-1824. Canberra, Australian National University Press.
Sgs Robert C. Suggs 1 Personal Communication
Grn Roger Green, field notes 81
Clk Ross Clark, field notes 85
Sbt Sabatier 1971 2 Sabatier, Ernest (1971) Gilbertese-English Dictionary. Noumea: South Pacific Commission.
Sct Sachet 1983 11 Sachet, M.-H. (1983), Takapoto Atoll, Tuamotu Archipelago: Terrestrial vegetation and flora. Atoll Research Bulletin No.277. Washington, Smithsonian Institution.
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